Retrieved 15 March Retrieved 6 March Flashbacks reveal that when Bashar was 16 his mother left his father Momin for her college sweetheart Zafar who back then was a successful and ruthless businessmen leaving behind her 4 children. Archived from the original on 14 March Fate plays another game and Buland turns out to be Tayyabas classfellow and Tayyaba instantlyy takes a liking to him. Meanwhile, Buland returnes from America. Humiliated by his wife Shagufta's betrayal Momin commits suicide. bashar momin ost mann moji

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Bashar Momin Promotional poster. Following is the listing of complete soundtracks including Theme and the serial's music.

Bashar Momin OST Mann Moji - Dailymotion Video

Bashar can do anything for his sisters, especially Tayyaba, whose two engagements were failed. Bashar delusions Buland into thinking that Rudaba secretly likes him and is playing Buland for Bashar, he successfully manages to create a rift between them however Buland visits Bashars place to set things right with Rudaba only to find her embracing Bashar in the dark of the night who had mistaken him for Buland. Syed Ali Raza Usama. Even after Rudaba continuously pesters Adil not to pay heed to her bhabhi's words he gives her hand in marriage to Bashar.

He fears Rudaba would ask him for divorce but she surprises him by wishing for a normal life with him.

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Retrieved from " https: Rudaba is an innocent girl who is engaged bashaar her father's best friend's son Buland Bakhtiar. Retrieved 7 March Archived from the original on 2 March Tayyaba gives birth to a boy and Buland returns with them to America.

However, on Rudaba's nikkah ceremony Buland returns because of the mail Rudaba sent him but is too late as she is already married to Bashar.

Bashar Momin OST Drama Song - Mann Moji on Geo TV

Retrieved 14 March Archived from the original on 17 March Bashar is set free due to his power and approach.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. On the other hand, Nomin is pushed by Saira and Bashar to take all the blame for marriage in front of Buland.

Bashar lifts all her punishments however, he continues to keep his distance. A few days later Rudaba faints and upon inspection it is found that she is pregenant with his child but after much consideration bashaar aborts the child fearing Rudaba would leave him and his baby for Buland just like his mother did.

The music tracks receive favourable reviews and got wide critical acclaim, due to different arranging of music sections it is widely reported and enjoyed the limelight of media. One day Rudaba's father and future father-in-law are killed due to robbery shooting.

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Bashar is heartbroken but is helpless. Meanwhile, Buland returnes from America. Archived from the original on 14 March This page was last edited on 13 Septemberat Tayyaba follows Buland to console him but he lashes out and blames her for all that happened.

From Wikipedia, the oet encyclopedia. On his father's death anniversary Bashar promises to fulfill everyone's wishes.

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On the other side Bashar still has no marital relations with Rudaba, and she is staying at her brother's home. Flashbacks reveal that when Bashar was 16 his mother left his father Momin for her college sweetheart Zafar who back then was a successful and ruthless businessmen leaving behind her 4 children. Bashar forces Rudaba to confess to Buland that she always loved Bashar and all that happened between them was a lie.

Theme songsoundtrack. Retrieved 10 March Rudaba moves in with Bashar but he treats her terribly to exact his revenge, Buland leaves for America saying he would send the divorce papers from there and so a heartbroken Tayyaba moves odt with Bashar.

Bashar agrees to take Rudaba with him because Buland has returned and wants Rudaba back in his life after knowing the truth behind both the weddings.


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